Evaluation of early and late-term infections after renal transplantation: Clinical experiences of Sanko University Medical Faculty Transplantation Center.

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dc.contributor.author Kazımoğlu, Hatem
dc.contributor.author Harman, Rezan
dc.contributor.author Mercimek, Mehmet Necmettin
dc.contributor.author Dokur, Mehmet
dc.contributor.author Uysal, Erdal
dc.date.accessioned 2021-11-04T15:28:29Z
dc.date.available 2021-11-04T15:28:29Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.issn 21493235
dc.identifier.other 30201075
dc.identifier.uri http://openaccess.sanko.edu.tr/xmlui/handle/20.500.12527/556
dc.description.abstract Infections play an important part in post-transplantation causes of morbidity and mortality. The purpose of this study is to evaluate short-, and long-term infections encountered in after renal transplantations. Two hundred and thirteen cases that consisted of both living and cadaver donors, who suffered from late period renal insufficiency and had renal transplant between June 2011 and January 2016 at the Transplantation Center of Sanko University School of Medicine were included in the study. In this study the short-, and long-term infections seen in post renal transplantation were examined retrospectively. Infection types, frequency and periods of infection, infection agents and predisposing factors were determined as the examination parameters. Of the 213 patients who received renal transplant, 139 were males (65.3%) and 74 were women (34.75%) and the mean age was 42±11,8 (range, 14-70) years. Twelve (5.6%) patients exited after renal transplantation. Post-transplant infections were seen in 49 patients (23.1%) within 1-6 months; in 13 patients (6.1%) within 6-12 months; and in 5 patients (2.4%) after the 12 month. The most common infections after renal transplantation were associated with urinary tract (70 patients, 34.3%). The most frequently isolated agents were E. coli (n=66; 30.9%), Kebsiella spp. (n=18; 8.4%) and Enterococci (n=18; 8.4%) respectively. The renal transplants from the cadavers were observed to contract infections 1.78 times more frequently compared to the living donors (OR=1.78, 95% CI=1.03-3.09). The most common complication after renal transplantation are infections. The majority of the infections are seen within the first year especially between 1-6 months. Post-transplant infections are often related to urinary system. E.coli is the most frequently isolated agent and it may be responsible for urosepsis in renal transplant patients. Infection more often seen in renal transplantations from cadavers. en_US
dc.language.iso English en_US
dc.publisher AVES en_US
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess en_US
dc.subject Transplantation en_US
dc.subject Renal en_US
dc.subject Infections en_US
dc.subject Early and late period en_US
dc.title Evaluation of early and late-term infections after renal transplantation: Clinical experiences of Sanko University Medical Faculty Transplantation Center. en_US
dc.type Article en_US
dc.relation.journal Turkish Journal of Urology en_US
dc.identifier.issue 1 en_US
dc.identifier.startpage 63 en_US
dc.identifier.endpage 69 en_US
dc.identifier.volume 45 en_US
dc.identifier.doi 10.5152/tud.2018.09522 en_US
dc.contributor.sankoauthor Mehmet Necmettin Mercimek en_US
dc.contributor.sankoauthor Hatem Kazımoğlu en_US
dc.contributor.sankoauthor Erdal Uysal en_US

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